Best Naturopathy and Yoga Science ( BNYS ) College in Tamilnadu

About Annai College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (ACNYS)

ACNYS has been instituted under the K.K.O. Mohamed Ibrahim Educational and Charitable Trust, affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai with an objective of promoting high quality education for the today’s younger generation and continue improving it for tomorrow’s requirement.

Keeping in mind the changing scenario in all walks of life, the college consistently looks for new ways to adapt, upgrade and improve the educational process with clinical exposure. The College always strives to deliver higher standards in education and enhance it.

Our Departments

21 Years of Excellence in Education


  • Our vision is to encourage people to follow natural way of life, and to help them activate their innate ability to fight diseases without drugs so that they do not suffer from preventable diseases and thus, the economic burden on the weaker section of society gets reduced.


  • Establishing ancient traditional and contemporary diagnostic, treatment and research facilities.
  • To groom the students in the path of spiritual, ethical and moral values.
  • To provide the best of evidence – based naturopathic medical care to patients in an ethical, professional and compassionate environment.

Annai College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences

Naturopathy is a comprehensive system of health care among the complementary and holistic medical systems. Naturopathy incorporate many treatment modalities. Naturopathy practice has a broad array of non-pharmacological treatment modalities which include manipulative therapy, hydrotherapy, fasting therapy, nutrition & dietetics, acupuncture, physiotherapy & chromotherapy.

Yoga is an ancient science and a way of life which helps in overall personality development, and is an effective tool in maintaining health, as well as, preventing and managing diseases. With its very basic concepts of equilibrium between body and mind, the global scientists in medicine have approved Yoga system as a healing science. The integral approach of yoga therapy brings balance at the physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual and also spiritual levels of being.

Thus, Naturopathy and Yoga is system of drugless medicine, based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, massage, yoga therapy etc. The beauty of the system is that it not only treats the symptoms already known, but also those symptoms which might surface in the future.

Salient Features

  • Inspiring campus amidst natural surroundings
  • State of the art laboratories, Museum, Dissection Halls, Lecture halls, Smart classes and etc.
  • Central and digital library that provides a comprehensive collection of information resources
  • Positive, dedicated and efficient teaching faculty
  • Conduction of Value added Programs
  • Field activities in the herbal garden on nutritional & therapeutic benefits of plant based foods.
  • Security and health care facility for all students
  • Separate Hostel facilities for boys and girls

News & Events

Mass Suryanamskara for Health program

Mass Suryanamaskra for Health program As a part of Government of india’s efforts to take the message of yoga to the masses, mass suryanamskara programmes were organised nationwide in the premise of sun temples

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World Cancer Day falls on the 4th of February, 2022. This year the day was observed on 5th February, 2022.…

Student's Testimonials

Government Recognition and Authentication

“AYUSH” Department of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Various states registers the graduates as practitioners of Naturopathy and Yoga

Govt. Institutions related to Naturopathy & Yoga

  • NIN, National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune
  • CCRYN, Central Council for Reasearch in Yoga and Naturopathy, New Delhi.
  • MDNIY, Moraji Desai National Institute of Yoga, New Delhi